TESTING, TESTING, 1, 2, 3...

A blank page for testing new stuff. How did you get here..?

Image Plaintext Appearance Code Author
there is nothing 002 - where are you Wingdings -
i will be watching 007 - reflection. Wingdings -
try to remember 009 - encounters. Wingdings -
he's losing control. i need to keep going. 013 - atrophy. (p. 1) QR code -
yes keep going 014 - wait... what? (p. 2) Wingdings -
find the letters and we will be saved 023 - some concerns. =) Wingdings -
- i am still here 029 - hi again. Underline Red
imgur.com/a/mtwXEzE 030 - more answers! Underline -
help / me / get / out / say my name 031 - heyo. Wingdings Red
LOOK OUT 035 - ☹︎⚐︎⚐︎😐︎ ⚐︎🕆︎❄︎ Wingdings Red
G / can / do / it, / remember / the / static / #13 039 - \ Binary Jay
CAREFUL / YOUR / TIME / IN THE / VOID / IS / LIMITED 041 - # Morse code Jay
interlude 043 - ♓︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎●︎◆︎♎︎♏︎ Wingdings -
v/o/i/d 044 - ❖︎
045 - □︎︎
046 - ♓︎︎
047 - ♎︎︎
Wingdings -
N23W4Zz 050 - planning.
051 - strategy.
052 - action.
053 - s wA p
054 - 🖬︎✆︎
055 - anguish.
056 - mirror image.
None -
=) 054 - 🖬︎✆︎ Wingdings -
https://imgur.com/Z55EfuH 064 - oblivion. None -
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52829/a-dream-within-a-dream https://imgur.com/Z55EfuH QR code -
KARMA 077 - S0FSTUE= Base64 -
THIS ISN'T THE END 077 - S0FSTUE= Wingdings -
HELLO 105 - odd Morse code, base64 -
https://imgur.com/oIdMeFS 106 - signal QR code -
ANYBODY? 107 - examine Morse code -
4HhufNy 112 - 4 113 - H
114 - h
115 - u
116 - f
117 - N
118 - y
None -
weapon 122 - whisper Base64 -
s3Nng4w 129 - warp. Color, none -
wHCGfwl 137 - spy. Wingdings Charlotte
they can see give me your password and i can find you 141 - 9 Shift cypher (+9/c) Charlotte
processing 142 - visit. Binary Charlotte
STOPTHEM 146 - ... - --- .--. - .... . -- Morse code -
HE'SNOTREAL 147 - .... . .----. ... -. --- - .-. . .- .-.. Morse code -
NOTHINGIS 148 - -. --- - .... .. -. --. .. ... Morse code -
FINDME 150 - ..-. .. -. -.. -- . Morse code -
HEREIAM 151 - .... . .-. . .. .- -- Morse code -